Webcomics.com - webcomics.com
Webcomics.com was needing a redesign. There old site was in Wordpress. It served it's purpose but the owner and operators wanted a fresh new look and a more reliable system. So I hooked them up on Squarespace, imported their Wordpress blog and resurrected the forum feature. Now it's a thriving community for Webcomic creators.

LiteraryDeathMatch.com - www.literarydeathmatch.com
Opium’s Literary Death Match, co-created by Opium’s founding editor, Todd Zuniga (pictured), Elizabeth Koch & Dennis DiClaudio, marries the literary and performative aspects of Def Poetry Jam, rapier-witted quips of American Idol’s judging (without any meanness), and the ridiculousness and hilarity of Double Dare.
Using Squarespace I was able to create a nice, simple and easy to expand Web site as Todd and crew take the world by storm with their death matches.


