Between The LINE

Gay and straight is an urban identity which is unable to be merged. Nowdays gay people are still a minority among the straight people, so the gay wil be reffed to as the abnormal one. If the age has come when the gay people are the majority in the society, the straight will be referred to the abnormal one. Actually, gay people are the same as straight people. It is just that their psychologial,especially their sexual orientation, is different.
The project want to bring those two identities and merge them as one. The situation that wanted to be created is the straight people’s hormones, masculine hormones, want to be reduced so their feminine and masculine hormones both in the balance condition before entering this project. At the time when straight people meet with the gay people in this project their feminine hormone will be increased, so the straight hopefully has the same perspective as the gay people’s.

Kurniawan Wijaya
Architect North Jakarta, Indonesia