Precedent Analysis
Precedent Analysis
Precedent Analysis
Precedent Analysis
Precedent Analysis
Precedent Analysis
Precedent Analysis
Precedent Analysis
Block Project
Block Project
Block Project
Block Project
Final Design Concept
Final Design
Final Design
Final Design
Final Design
Final Design
Final Design
Final Design
Final Design
Final Design
Final Design
Arch Second Year Studio II

New York, NY
Neue Galerie Addition - NCMA Competition
Started with group precedent analysis - Tel Aviv Museum of Art
Block Project - molding custom block design for section model
Final Design - based on precedent analysis (Preston Scott Cohen's Lightfall) and the block project I wanted to manipulate light in my museum so that the fine arts galleries would receive less damage from natural light and the applied arts galleries would be in the "light box" because they could withstand the natural light.

Kylie Piacentino
Architecture Student at Penn State University Austin, TX