Wide Awake Jake has a Posse - I created this as a birth announcement for my son, and as a homage to Shepard Fairey's explorations of phenomenology, Andre the Giant has a Posse.
Distraction = Focus ? - This piece of Photoshop experimentation was influenced by the anthrax scare and how it distracted people from other issues.
Life Passes By - Some reflections on life, set to a photo. There's wasn't enough room to fit all the text here, so I didn't include any. I do a bit of freelance writing, so this was a chance to combine it with imagery, layout, and fontography. There's probably a Ray Gun influence to the type treatment, albeit a subtle one.
All Good Ends Must Come to a Thing - Just some Photoshop play done in a vertical banner ad or realworld bookmark sort of fashion. Fueled by post 9/11 paranoia, tension, and public concern as well as conspiracy theory and governmental crisis management.
Anyone But Dave - I created a DIY concert flyer for fictional band Anyone But Dave. The point was to trick a friend who created that name for a novel into believing the band already existed. It worked. Yes, The Ranch Bowl exists. Yep, that's David Lee Roth. The border is from an edge of a spiral-bound notebook. Whitey Herzog is a band name I always wanted to use. Tons of Fun is influenced by something Jay called SIlent Bob in Mallrats or some other Kevin Smith film.
Consume - Recognize this guy from the Anyone But Dave flyer? He was featured at www.doodleoftheday.co.uk. They really should bring that site back. Or maybe I should. Anyway, I've since seen consume written across the chest of some other characters. In today's society it wouldn't surprise me if others had the same idea. Other people read Adbusters, too. Speaking of which, this was supposed to appear on the AdBusters website, I have the confirming e-mail, but I never saw it live.
No Logo - The opposite of branding. Some photo collage work in Photoshop. I was reading a lot of Adbusters at the time, and have a fondness for chaotic imagery. I can't decide which one of these I like better.
No Logo - The opposite of branding. Some photo collage work in Photoshop. I was reading a lot of Adbusters at the time, and have a fondness for chaotic imagery. I can't decide which one of these I like better.
Graphics & Illustration
Lawrence L
Hack of All Trades Garden State, NJ