ask dr. manny (logo) - Logotype used for online identity of Dr. Manny Alvarez, Fox News senior health contributor.
BlogHarbor animated web advertisement - Animated .gif created for use as web advertisement for BlogHarbor, a weblog hosting service. I designed and wrote the copy on this project.
Medical Transcription Central - The New York City subway was an influence on this logo design for a Prentice Hall Health Online website showcasing their medical transcription products.
ESM baseball cap logo - Inspired by the Chicago White Sox baseball hats, I created this logo for the Engineering, Science, & Math department at Pearson Education. They wore this logo proudly on their baseball caps during their intra-organizational softball season.
Half Decent Design - I was playing around with different names for my freelance web design business. This sprung forth during some Photoshop play time.
Ugly Ass Design - Between Half Decent Design and Ugly Ass Design, you can see my self-deprecating sense of humor taking aim at my design skills. This was more Photoshop play that occurred during the naming process.
Logo & Identity
Lawrence L
Hack of All Trades Garden State, NJ