Project Promenade - Featuring Stage 1 & 2- Process work Do view the following pages for remaining Stages of the Promenade. Enjoy!
Jolti Mudanity - We all have our comfort zones. Yet when one feels comfortable, one is less likely to take chances. We, have been robbed away from the material world. The journey through this promenade hopes to let users experience a jolt that will dislodge them form their comfort zones, to doing something new, wild, different and... uncomfortable.
To jolt is to be able to shock, to nudge, to impact. To feel uncomfortable is to feel reluctant, anxious, and leaving one's comfort zone. The spaces are intentionally built to inflict such emotions to users while transporting them into different state of mind, through different distinct spaces, and emerging different perspectives.
Front View - Pictures and text engraved depicts that of one's mundane life, questioning life's reality
Exterior Side View - Text on walls of promenade gradually changed from bleak and melancholy to light hearted and encouraging, alongside with other elements that evolve through the journey
Interior View - A play of contrast- Dark vs Bright
Interior View
Middle phase of Promenade
Top View of Promenade
Back View
jolt mudanity
Lena Paik
Spatial Designer SINGAPORE, Singapore