Sir Winston Churchill Portrait - Ballpoint pen on paper.
Audrey Hepburn Portrait 1 - Ink wash on paper.
Audrey Hepburn Portrait 2 - Marker on paper.
TheMailRoomInc Flyer Sketch - Preliminary sketch for The Mail Room Inc. Flyer. Pen on paper.
I Give Blood...Voo Doo - Another spec piece for a "Give Blood" campaign with Mr. Scott Hertzbach owner of Cotton Images in Miami Florida. This time I went with "I Give Blood...VooDoo."
Blood Brothers - The last of the spec pieceses for a "Give Blood" campaign with Mr. Scott Hertzbach. This time I went with a group of blood drops with the phrase "The Blood Brother Donate... You Should To."
Self Portrait - Having Fun... aaahhaaarrrgg-maaatyy. Marker on board.
Black and White
Leovigildo Rivera
Illustration/Graphic Design Carlisle, PA