Tito Puent Portrait - Watercolor, color pencil, gouache, china marker, and ballpoint pen on Strathmore illustration board.
My Uncle At Bat - Watercolor, color pencil, gouache, china marker, and ballpoint pen on latex Strathmore illustration board.s
Scene 3
Humm... - Pastel on paper
The Stanley Hotel - Watercolor on Strathmore illustration board.
Tim Tebow Portrait - This is the audition piece I did for the Heisman Trophy Portrait Audition. Watercolor, gouache, china marker, and coffee on Strathmore illustration board.
Early Mornin' Catch - Watercolor, color pencil, gouache, and china marker on Strathmore illustration board.
Mixed Media
Leovigildo Rivera
Illustration/Graphic Design Carlisle, PA