The classic asparagus with olive oil, salt and pepper, and a dash of lemon.
Radishes for a new salad I was trying out.
The avocado and tomato duo I have been enjoying recently. I think it is here to stay!
Classic Italian bread turned into bruschetta with the smoothest honey from my friend's dad's bees. I will miss that honey when it runs out.
Nothing like a teriyaki chicken stir-fry sometimes. It always hits the spot when I am super hungry!
Side one: apples, cinnamon, cream cheese
Side two: walnuts, cream cheese
They could be consumed separately...
But put together and drizzled with some honey, they make a wonderful combination.
A chickpea salad pre-toss!
Veggies to be sauteed for the portobello mushroom cap. Trying a new thing photography wise.
Finally learned how to make the black peppercorns become a wonderful coat. The smell was so good while crushing the peppercorns!
Slice and dice time! Turned out pretty well, maybe just a tad too cooked.
The end salad: spinach leaves, dried cherries, sliced almonds, and a flair of crumbled blue cheese.
Food Photography

I have always enjoyed cooking. For after all, food is an essence to life, so why not let it shine! Pictures of meals I have enjoyed making.

Lina Garada
Industrial Design Student at Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA