Tried a new angle and then reverted back to the classic side sketch with dynamic lines
shoes and shoes
more shoes! Less athletic and more casual look.
shoes shoes shoes
After constantly researching Warby Parker's business model plan for pro practice, I just had to take a stab at drawing some shades!
ellipses and mugs!
close up time!
Forms want a close up too!
figure drawing detox plus Kevin's quick gestural drawing of him drawing!
The classic ear buds sketch
ear bud close up
shapes on shapes
bike seats and bottle tops
basic forms with a twist
more shoes
Perspective check! Flip it upside down to see if ya nailed it.
belt ideation 1
belt ideation 2
belt ideation 3
determined to figure out this buckle
buckle will do this concept does it attach to the belt??
buckle ideation 2
buckle ideation 3
buckle ideation 4
Thesis ideation on the hanger concept.
Thesis ideation on the spine shoe storage concept.
Rough diagrammatic drawings for thesis! Messing around with the idea of repeating elements for shoe storage.
Seat and storage concept for thesis!
Plug it in, plug it in
Pencil sharpeners
Pencil sharpener detail
Upside down trash cans for perspective check. Not too shabby for a quick loose drawing!
3 hours- analyze a tape measure and redesign it. Go!
Ellipses, ellipses, ellipses
Sketches- raw and as is

Raw sketches, Will try and upload them as they come!

Lina Garada
Industrial Design Student at Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA