Syncopate takes recycled newspaper, magazines, and cardboard and creates a fascinating material that has the strength of wood, while affordable and environmentally-friendly. All the products contain 100% post-consumer recycled materials and contain 100% naturally sustainable materials that are biodegradable. The interior walls are made of installation paper pulp panels contain recycled forest products, and a square meter of cedar.
Syncopate takes recycled newspaper, magazines, and cardboard and creates a fascinating material that has the strength of wood, while affordable and environmentally-friendly. All the products contain 100% post-consumer recycled materials and contain 100% naturally sustainable materials that are biodegradable. The interior walls are made of installation paper pulp panels contain recycled forest products, and a square meter of cedar.
Syncopate takes recycled newspaper, magazines, and cardboard and creates a fascinating material that has the strength of wood, while affordable and environmentally-friendly. All the products contain 100% post-consumer recycled materials and contain 100% naturally sustainable materials that are biodegradable. The interior walls are made of installation paper pulp panels contain recycled forest products, and a square meter of cedar.
Syncopate Designs