Re-Lounge - 'Re-Lounge' is an experiential space that provides re-generation to air travellers through relaxing and playful sensorial experiences of destination-related images, sounds and colours that travellers can activate through movements and a reactive pillow.
ctrl - Control is set aside when passion enters the scene of being alive. ‘ctrl’ illustrates the strong focus, that occurs when one is passionate about something or somebody. It is anything but a controllable machine where we control by a single key tap.
A_nerve - Accessory Nerve is a clothing accessory in the form of a wearable interface that uses dynamic patterns to connect people on a more emotional level. The garment is based on cellular network technology in which a moveable cloth display on the sleeves reacts when receiving messages from friends and loved ones. The wearer is able to pre-programme certain behaviours into the garment that are linked to specific emotions or to specific people.
I-match - Using MMS to Engage in your visual surroundings. I-match is a service giving opportunities to Mobile users to connect to public organizations and private service companies through the Mobile Network and supply visual MMS content to create a network of valuable information sharing. The I-match service structure is designed to work on existing 3G hardware and networks. Users of the service and structure will be an owner of a 3G mobile phone.
PA551ON - Graphics to Illy Magazine, Italy Can you code passion? One cannot code passion and expect it to be expressed by same digits over and over again. ‘PA5510N’ illustrates a contrast to the quality of passion. Passion will never be contained as if a product with a UP code (universal product).
Line Ulrika Christiansen
Director of Art and Design Foundation Doha, Qatar