Zip inspired waredrobe design
Zip inspired waredrobe design
Central Libary Manchester
Central Libary Manchester
Central Libary Manchester
Central Libary Manchester
Bird - Icreated a Bird which reflected my personality traits. and took movie genre inspired photos.
Bird - Icreated a Bird which reflected my personality traits. and took movie genre inspired photos.
Life is like a box of chocolates... you never know what your gonna get - under each chocolate you choose is a word or phrase which when matched to the description booklet reveals the un-fair side of chocolate farming in the ivory coast
Life is like a box of chocolates... you never know what your gonna get - under each chocolate you choose is a word or phrase which when matched to the description booklet reveals the un-fair side of chocolate farming in the ivory coast
Life is like a box of chocolates... you never know what your gonna get - under each chocolate you choose is a word or phrase which when matched to the description booklet reveals the un-fair side of chocolate farming in the ivory coast
Life is like a box of chocolates... you never know what your gonna get - under each chocolate you choose is a word or phrase which when matched to the description booklet reveals the un-fair side of chocolate farming in the ivory coast
Life is like a box of chocolates... you never know what your gonna get - under each chocolate you choose is a word or phrase which when matched to the description booklet reveals the un-fair side of chocolate farming in the ivory coast
Final Major Project
Final Major Project
Final Major Project
finaly major project
finaly major project
Final major project
Art and Design Foundation Work
Lizzy Topping
Manchester/Newcastle-upon-tyne, United Kingdom