Pattern utilizes thin pinstripe lines of varying thickness to build patterns in a very unique, sophisticated manner. The bamboo texture was chosen for its sculptural form and link to China, while avoiding any similarities with the LG ‘dios’ flower. Pattern has been inspired by european trends and show a level of originality which would make them stand out from competitors in the Chinese market. The pattern is to be screen printed onto the rear surface of the glass, using various colours.
This pattern utilizes thin pinstripe lines of varying thickness to build patterns in a very unique, sophisticated manner. The bamboo texture was chosen for its sculptural form and link to China, while avoiding any similarities with the LG ‘dios’ flower. These pattern have been inspired by European trends and show a level of originality which would make them stand out from competitors in the Chinese market.

New pattern designed for Glass fronted double-door fridge Wave, Meiling / 2008

Lucia Jarosova
Mag. Mgr. art Bratislava / Graz, Slovakia