Skate Board Stool

It’s pretty trendy nowadays the concept of recycling and reuse of useless items.
For this project I’ve decided to take a skate board which was unfit to ride anymore and turning it into a decent piece which you can easily wish to have in your living room.

I’ve been fascinated with the amazing 3D mesh pieces we can see everywhere, so I have based the design for the stool’s legs in the mathematic Voronoi diagram, which you will get beautiful results.

The result was a very complex structure which wouldn’t be possible to achieve with traditional tooling, but thanks to the additive manufacturing technology we have today, a piece like this can be 3D printed for a reasonable cost, using materials with the same properties as metal.

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Luis Moreira
Founder & Head of 3D Design Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam