portrait of a town - Every town has its own character, its own pattern and its own mentaltity. Not only the motionless architectur characterize the urban features. It is the motion on the streets, the people, the permanent change, the developments of a city that keep in our minds. Every town has its own emotions. Portrait of a town: I wanted to develop a new portrait of Fribourg by designing an interactive fassade. The color changes with temperature, the noise changes the intensity of the color and the motion of people controls the motion of the fassade. The change of the fassade is in contrary to the registered data. That means: high temperature - cold colors, a lot of noise - low intensity of color, a lot of people - a calm motion of the fassade.
ICHTYS - The fish is an old Christian symbol. The Greek word for fish is ICHTYS. That means: Jesus, Christus, God, son, rescurer. The Christian symbol is the elementary part of my chapel. At night the lights are shining through the transluscent surface.
NEW AGE - A room was given, where we had to create an exebition for three artists. The goal was to design a room, where the visitors could feel being part of the exebition. I chose the subject new age and the artists were: Moby - music, Jakob & Macfarlane - architecture, computer-art. I designed a landscape which simulated falling through a timemachine. It was a very surrealistic land without horizont. The land was made of sand, water and a sky, which changed its silhouette from time to time. In one part of the exebition the visitor had to jump from stone to stone to cross the water. Meanwhile you listen to music by „Moby“.
deficit space - My concept is to launch the river „Sihl“ along a promenade which is located under the main station of Zürich. There commerce, mobility and free space collide X-layers overlay. The new stairways on the left and right of the station connect two quarters, shorten the ways, extend the bank promenade, link „Rail“ and „Bike“, mix recovery and consumption.