these design were made for the kitchen exhibition in Germany. The bar was made along with the stool. the reallife pictures can be seen in the Exhibition file
these design were made for the kitchen exhibition in Germany. The bar was made along with the stool. the reallife pictures can be seen in the Exhibition file
z barchair - these design were made for the kitchen exhibition in Germany. The bar was made along with the stool. the reallife pictures can be seen in the Exhibition file
these design were made for the kitchen exhibition in Germany. The bar was made along with the stool. the reallife pictures can be seen in the Exhibition file
these design were made for the kitchen exhibition in Germany. The bar was made along with the stool. the reallife pictures can be seen in the Exhibition file
here are the pictures of the bar and stool I designed for the Holland House exhibition
here are the pictures of the bar and stool I designed for the Holland House exhibition
here are the pictures of the bar and stool I designed for the Holland House exhibition
here are the pictures of the bar and stool I designed for the Holland House exhibition
here are the pictures of the bar and stool I designed for the Holland House exhibition

Dekker is a company that produces counter tops for the kitchen market. Every year together with partners in the kitchen market they hold a trade fair in Germany. I designed the bar and bar chairs for 2011. The bar has led enlightened glass and contains a prototype touchscreen.

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Maika Sylva
Industrial Designer Zoetermeer, Netherlands