A Day in the Life of Me, 2015. Inspire, mediocre, stable, content, express, joyous, halcyon.
A Day in the Life of Me, 2015. Mediocre.
A Day in the Life of Me, 2015. Stable.
A Day in the Life of Me, 2015. Content.
A Day in the Life of Me, 2015. Inspire.
A Day in the Life of Me, 2015. Express.
A Day in the Life of Me, 2015. Joyous.
A Day in the Life of Me, 2015. Halcyon.
A Day in the Life of Me

This collage represents who I am. This is because I am a very humble person. I like to be by myself most of the time.

Makayla Angelucci
Student Sparta Township, NJ