Self Portrait Painting

For this project I mainly used the Eyedropper tool,the mixer brush tool, and the pencil tool in order to paint and outline my self portrait. At first I didn’t wanted to do a self portrait because I had to take a photo of myself to use as my reference and I’m camera shy. I had to overcome my shyness so I can do the project and it was fun to do in the process. Doing this project helped me realized that on our skin we have some hints of greens, purples, pinks,yellows, etc. and this had helped me see more colors that I haven’t paid attention.The self portrait also helped me realize on how many shades and tones we have on our faces and hair. Although the hardest part of this project was to get the a different shades on my hair and the eyedropper tool only picked some color or the wrong color that I didn’t wanted to use.

Marilyn Ruiz
Photographer New York, NY