
Final Bachelor's Degree Project.

The West End neighborhood is in current need of an urban plan update. Its lack of a north-south connectivity ecoraged me to find a way to provide pedestrians with alternative walkaways between key points of the neighborhood. Since the laneways present a west-east direction, I focused on the spaces between building that principally occur in a north-south direction.

Most of the these spaces, or passages, can be quite narrow; however, they are used by local quite often as shortcuts.

With this in mind, I focused on how to activate this spaces and make them known to the public.

This project presents present solutions and future case scenarios, which evidently demonstrate the great potential that these passages present with some ¨minor¨ adjustments.

Location: West End Neighborhood, Vancouver, Canada

Marisela Soto
Master of Arts in Housing and Urbanism Münster, Germany