Royal Mail - Fritzrovia

Term 1, Housing & Urbanism MA
London, Fall 2013 (group project)

Oxford Street proves to be one of the most active spaces in London. But when it comes to new developments it may pose some major difficulties. The project’s task was to develop a mixed-used building that incorporates a fashion and media institute, while at the same time considering the placement of a new tube station near the site. In order to tackle down the economical shortcomings, we decided to distribute and mix the institute with offices from south to north, with a higher proportion of learning to the north.
The area’s existing activities guided the distribution of uses within the site, while the pattern of streets and alleys projected the sequence of internal spaces for an active circulation at ground level.
The variety of levels on the ground floor allow for the differentiation of spaces and, the creation of a sequence of public to private environs. Crucial when housing is incorporated into complex schemes.

Marisela Soto
Master of Arts in Housing and Urbanism Münster, Germany