Just for Taking Medicine is a service concept that provides users with over-the-counter medicines via vending machines. The machines are located conveniently in residential areas and workplaces. The medicines are individually packaged. This encourages users to buy the exact amount of medicine they need, and avoids the wastage associated with extra medicine and packaging. At the end of the purchase process, the vending machine provides a small bag in which to enclose the individually packaged medicine. Information about the medicine can be accessed through the user’s mobile phone via the QR code. The information includes the medicine’s function, instructions, validity period, and so on. The information can be managed through a mobile phone app. The app can also remind the user about expiry dates. If a medicine is about to expire, it can be send back for a secondary sale by the pharmaceutical company at a discount, and the profit could be a donation.
Just for Taking Medicine

Just for Taking Medicine is a service concept that provides users with over-the-counter medicines via vending machines.The Just for Taking Medicine vending machines present a way to increase convenience and reduce wastage.

Mingyu Liu
Senior Design Director Raleigh, NC