I designed a serial of souvenirs for 2010 Shanghai World Expo. They have effectively combined the Chinese culture and world expo culture.
By analyzing the world expo consumer market, I positioned the world expo souvenir designs: focus on product creativity and exclusivity as well as the symbolic world expo element.
The consumer groups can be classified from age, education and income levels. Analyzed different groups’ features and adopted KANO model in analyzing target group’s demands on World Expo souvenir pen.
I adopted the five elements in Chinese tradition as the concept theory of this serial for the sake of forming a complete serial from the design source and presenting Chinese traditional life philosophy elements in this serial of products with the reflection to the theme of One Axis with Four Pavilions. Based on the features of five architectures, I assigned the association as below: Gold-World Expo Center, Wood-China Pavilion, Water-World Expo Stadium, Fire-World Expo Axis and Land-World Expo Theme Pavilion.
This souvenir pen is one product from World Expo Five Element Serials and it symbolizes the five-world expo axis. Lantern is closely related to the life of traditional Chinese. It’s not only used for lighting purpose but also serves as a kind of symbol.
The lanterns used in celebrating holidays have the symbol of prosperity. As for the fire serial, I tried to highlight Chinese features and curiosity by adopting lantern to cooperate the theme of this serial.
I cooperated with Stationery Company to develop the world expo souvenir for children. I designed to the erasers to be the shape of five symbolic architectures in world expo garden.
The Design For World Expo
Mingyu Liu
Senior Design Director Raleigh, NC