Savût - What if you had an object that behaves like an Italian grandma in the kitchen? (CIID Final Project - 2010) Savut it's a project that through irony try to make people to enjoy more the cooking process building awareness as a consequence. Cooking from scratch, eat in good company,eating seasonal instead of junk food in front of a laptop. Savùt is aswell an exploration around extreme TUI:no buttons, no LED, no screen. How do you interact with such an interface?
Savut: What if you had an object that behaves like an Italian grandma in the kitchen? - What if you had an object that behaves like an Italian grandma in the kitchen? (CIID Final Project - 2010) Savut it's a project that through irony try to make people to enjoy more the cooking process building awareness as a consequence. Cooking from scratch, eat in good company,eating seasonal instead of junk food in front of a laptop. Savût is aswell an exploration around extreme TUI:no buttons, no LED, no screen. How do you interact with such an interface?
Savût - Cooking from scratch and eat seasonal are now fancy habits, but it's what our grandparents did for necessity. We forgot that this habits produce testier food and are not "just" a better solution for the environment or our health.
Savût - People that I interviewed showed me how, in the kitchen, they still attached to the analog tools, that's why I decided to build something that, even if it contain electronics, doesn't seems an electronic object.
Savût - The interactions have been builded though a process of different iteration on electronics. The final solution uses an accelerometer as input, a servo motor and a speaker as output plus Arduino to perform the different signals.
Savût - The network was tested through a online service that organizes random dinners between friends.
Martina Pagura
Interaction Designer Castions di Zoppola, Italy