variants of use
Q3. Bauhaus Urban Energy Hub. 2023.

Q3 is our design for the Bauhaus Urban Energy Hub, a collaborative project by students of different programs, that should also be built, maintained and used by students. Designed with modular and mobile principles, Q3 prioritizes eco-friendly materials and energy efficiency. Its core focus is on energy autonomy, achieved through a solar photovoltaic system and advanced battery storage, eliminating the need for traditional heating or cooling systems, which would be too ineffective within the limited scale of the project. Q3 is made of the TechModule, incorporating energy supply and management in a visible and educative way, and the UseModules which facilitate diverse functions within the space. They amend the somewhat limited social infrastructure of Campus Coudraystraße, providing the students with a café, outdoor workplace, Beyond its architectural and environmental significance, the project includes a thorough plan for its actual realization by students.

Freelance, Moonlighting
Martin Šálek
Student of architecture and creative designer. İstanbul, Turkey