Ecommerce website for a fashion company. Self Project
Ecommerce website for a fashion company. Self Project
Styleguid for street_fashion site. Self Project
wireframe for Crossin+ - A web platform for creative colaborations. Self project- concept, ux and ui design.
wireframe for Crossin+ - A web platform for creative colaborations. Self project- concept, ux and ui design.
Home page for Crossin+ A web platform for creative colaborations. Self project- concept, ux and ui design.
Login screen
Filtering useres by medium
Random user personal page
browsing user's work. leaving a comment.
Sending a Crossin+ Invitaion. Letting the user ti know your are interseted in making a creative colaboration.
Crossin+ Invitation box
Entering and replying an invitaion
Activity page
Crossin+ Mobile adaptaion
Crossin+ Mobile adaptaion
Crossin+ Mobile adaptaion
Crossin+ adaptation for tablet
Crossin+ Styleguid
Work in Progress: Creating a web By using wordpress platform and theme. Desig and content feeding.
Work in Progress: Creating a web By using wordpress platform and theme. Desig and content feeding.
Expermintal project: Creating web pages with HTML and CSS. Created with adobe Dreamweaver.
Expermintal project: Creating web pages with HTML and CSS. Created with adobe Dreamweaver.
Online Facebook commercial for a book
Online Facebook commercial for a book
Design for Digital // ui/ux
Marva Tzalach
Graphic arts // Visual Content Tel Aviv, Israel