So many years had gone by since the last drop of water to save a baby Oshouloop was used up in Oloupia Galaxy. During all these years, the Oshouloop Eaters Headquarters had received no report on observing one drop of water in the whole galaxy. Rumours went around that the Great Oshouloop Eater had been hoarding up all the supply of existing water in neighbouring black holes by exploiting a black hole space-time gap, and he had no intent of selling his huge water hoard. On the one hand, the parching and broiling weather had made the Oloupia's ground like a gigantic puffing dough which was near to turn into a baked bread, and on the other hand, in the absence of raining, not even a single tiny hole was made on the surface of the ground.Under such tragic circumstances, there had remained no way for Oloupia's trees except adapting their physiological conditions to the sever environment.

To prevent their leaves from turning into potato chips, they pierced their leaves into the Oloupia's soil and looked for drops of water in the air with their roots. The drought had caused great suffering, and the Oshouloops had been affected by sever muscular weakness. This gradual physical weakness of Oshouloops had made it possible for the Oroubs, the Great Oshouloop Eaters' pets, to suck them in easily and deliver them to the him. The helpless poor Oshouloop Eaters had lost their digestive ability, and their bellies' capacity was quickly filled after eating 10 Oshouloops. They swelled like balloons and burst just a few seconds after, which let the swallowed Oshouloops get out again and escape. This vicious cycle went on for a long time, and the horrendous situation reached to the point that the poor Ocaans were stricken with madness and lost their ability to distinguish between solids and liquids. They dived into the Oloupia's ground up to the depth of 15 meters.

Conception Process / Mr Oshouloop Eater

On the surface of the galaxy, the only creatures who had an easy access to the drops of water, and who made no noise, were the Opars. These creatures, with the aid of having two tiny feathers, possessed the ability of flying up to the height of 1.500 meters and nipped them in the bud.This chaotic confusion reached to its peak when the Great Oshouloop Eater's footprints were seen at different places on the galaxy and caused a shocking trembling among the Oshouloops, Ojouloobs and the company lest he has returned to the galaxy.This new worrying problem doubled the old one, so the Oshouloops and Ojouloobs decided to stop the chasing-escaping cycle and unite against their common suffering. They became determined to find the water source of the universe. In doing so, they planned to kidnap Neil Armstrong, which made NASA introduce Niel's double to the world and Americans to gloss it over. But Niel's Turkish accent revealed the scandal and made their efforts totally vain.

Neil Armstrong, who had decided not to utter a word, spoke up frantically when he saw the Great Oshouloop Eater's footprints. Finally, all the animates and inanimates of the galaxy, with the help of Neil and the Oloupia's Baby Giant, collected all the galaxy's litter and made their spacecraft out of piecing together all the bits and pieces of the collected litter.In the end, on the Great Escape Day, they escaped the clutches of the Great Oshouloop Eater and landed on Opark.

Conception Process / Oplant

Character Design Process / Clay Modeling
