Cover and opening spread design. Photoshop work done on image to incorporate illustration and tint the juice red.
Custom magazine design for a one-off piece about mining in Argentina.
Cover and opening feature layout for a piece on the craft beer boom.
Various Food in Canada magazine cover designs.
The Ethical Omnivore - Opening spread for a feature about the demand for more ethical treatment of animals.
Dairy Processing Goes Green - Opening spread for a feature on how the Canadian dairy industry is transforming energy and water usage to save costs and be responsible corporate citizens. I wanted this feature to have a care-free look by adding little b&w sketches throughout the story. Example: the little cheese, far right.
The Art Of The Bid - Opening spread for a feature about how to bid on and win projects in the construction business.
Magazine Design

Cover and Feature story opening spreads or pages.

Melissa Crook
Art Director/Designer Toronto, Canada