The Giant's Wrath

In the grey seas and dark skies of turbulent chaos, you see a long black dragon-shaped ship. A dozen massive oars on each side row to the beat of a thundering drum. Tall, harsh-faced and dark-hued, fully-armored forms walk the deck, shouting orders in terrifying voices . . . the Formians come again.

A power has risen in the Otherworld, it drives the storms upon the shores with such force that they batter the earth and grind the rocks. Those ill fortuned enough to dwell near the sea hide in terror at the fury of the storm unleashed. But it is not the storm they fear, it is the giants that ride the foamy surf. Formorians! Giants of the old world they come, riding long ships across the mad-capped seas to surge up against the settlements of men; raiding with wild abandon, plundering, burning, hauling off treasures and slaves with few to impede their crimes.

It is yours to unravel the Gordian knot that is The Giants Wrath.

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Brian N. ...
Writer/Author (Game Designer) Enid, OK