Cryin' - Love & Loved: Eight love songs of different genres are selected and expressed using typography and imagery. Style for the songs varied to bring out their personalities.
I'll be there for you - Love & Loved: Eight love songs of different genres are selected and expressed using typography and imagery. Style for the songs varied to bring out their personalities.
My love will get you home - Love & Loved: Eight love songs of different genres are selected and expressed using typography and imagery. Style for the songs varied to bring out their personalities.
I'm leaving on a jet plane - Love & Loved: Eight love songs of different genres are selected and expressed using typography and imagery. Style for the songs varied to bring out their personalities.
Cold hard bitch - Love & Loved: Eight love songs of different genres are selected and expressed using typography and imagery. Style for the songs varied to bring out their personalities.
Here without you - Love & Loved: Eight love songs of different genres are selected and expressed using typography and imagery. Style for the songs varied to bring out their personalities.
Love, Me - Love & Loved: Eight love songs of different genres are selected and expressed using typography and imagery. Style for the songs varied to bring out their personalities.
Rhythm - A type specimen is designed for the font, ITC Franklin Gothic family. The theme, rhythm, is used to express the versatility of the font. Typography class project.
Experimentation with Chinese idioms
Typography Experimentation