La France sourit - satiric vision from France
my cartoons - my works
my cartoons - my works
my cartoons - my works
my cartoons - my works
my cartoons - my works
my cartoons - my works
singing in the rain - golden ambrellas
pig love
pig love is in the air
cowly yours
cowly cow
Poulemadaire - Poule du désert
the pope accept condoms in certain cases... - new cartoon from france
Les histoires de Paulette BD
Taza's life
illustration for CONSOM'ACTION Biocoop magazine N°68 page 3 FRANCE 2013
Les histoires de Roger le Cafard
la guerre n'est pas un jeu d'enfants Jeux d'encres; le journal des jeunes d'amensty international juin 2009 N°37 page12/13
Paris Ville Lumière
a walk about


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Freelance, Full-time
Mario Montolivo
Cartoonist comics illustartions humour news Paris/USA, France