Hyper-Bot - Thought I'd try out the hypershot trial and this is what came out! The Hyper-Bot :)
Cheers/ Niklas

To the stars - This piece was meant to be entered in the Secret agent competition at cg society. but it didn't get finished in time unfortunately.
Last spring I visited Norway and went fishing there, the views and scenery really inspired me when I created this semi futuristic scene. The vehicle is called a Triair and it's a part of the naval and/ or aerial defence. A sort of light and swift coastal scout.
Simple mesh in Maya then a couple of days of on and off fiddling and detailing in Photoshop.


Malacoda's beast - This is a sculpting of one of Malacodas underlings from Dantes inferno (the divine comedy). The setting is quite poor atm but I might switch it up a bit when I get the time. Hope you like it!

Beach assault - The Pathbreacher is a big ol' hunk of plates and metal, meant to breach the way for other, more advanced machinery. Here it's in the middle of some sort of an invasion, lots of blue and red, good and evil light and dark. Hope you like it!

The institution

Mountain exploration - An environment piece created in my spare time, 5-7 hours of painting in ps

Corpse rider - Concept art for game

Corpse rider, detailed face study - A detailed face study of the corpse rider, I wanted there to be a human feel to him, a human presence, not just a mindless beast.

Takeoff - Speedy little painting inspired by a current project.

Launch flight - Part of artwork I'm doing for a game, saw some old launch image for a satellite and got inspired to paint a little


Speedpainting - These are a part of an ongoing side project I've got going on where I'm doing 100 speed paintings in two months, for fun and practice.
I've set the time limit to 30 minutes per painting

Speedpainting - These are a part of an ongoing side project I've got going on where I'm doing 100 speed paintings in two months, for fun and practice.
I've set the time limit to 30 minutes per painting

Dark realm

Holidays - When you wake up and it's -20c outside you sometimes wish you had a spaceship. Inspired by a Thierry Doizon speedpaint I saw somewhere.
It took a couple of hours to draw, created in ps.

Cavernous environment - A space-dude spying on some sort of behemoth cave harvester, painted in ps, 2 hours

Inspectoid - one hour speedpaint inspired by sam browns kickass bots

Mining shaft - Concept art for an ipad game

Red bird - A quick 40 minute painting, experimenting with some texture brushes.

Audrey Hepburn rendering - Spent a couple of hours in photoshop on this one, it’s supposed to look like Audrey Hepburn. Not spot on exactly but it’s a step forward at least.

Wizard drawing for a friend of mine.

Some ideation sketches for POD Odyssey, a game for phones and ipad.

A few monsters drawn up in more detail for POD Odyssey, a game for phones and ipad.

Early idea for the main space craft in POD Odyssey, a game for phones and ipad.

Landscape rendering for POD Odessey