Somaly Mam Foundation

Origami Poster for the Somaly Mam Foundation - 16”x20” poster | 2010 Art Directors Club of Houston - Bronze Medal
Photo credits: Angel of Cambodia by lcphotography + Somaly Mam by Michael Angelo

This non-profit organization is dedicated to fighting the sex-trafficking industry. As the viewer unfolds the garment, the story of a former child sex slave is told. This was my first venture into origami as a storytelling device. Different versions of the garment were created until a size was found that allowed for the most space for type. A “fold order’ was then created by marking the paper with a number for every major step of the unfolding process. This was a critical part of planning out how to pace the story and an indispensable aid for typesetting.

Noe Perez
Multimedia Designer Austin, TX