Awards & Distinctions - 2009 Undergraduate Scholars Conference · 2009 Annual BFA/MFA Candidates' Theses Exhibition, Snite Museum of Art · 2009 William & Connie Grief Award · 2009 Presidential Team Irish Award · 2009 ICPA Annual Awards · 2009 ACUI Steal this Idea Competition
Ozzie & Friends: Catholic Social Teaching for Kids - *see video: [Original character designs for Flash animation] Catholic Social Teaching (CST) lists basic ways for humans to live in harmony with society. The first tenet of CST, Life and Dignity of the Human Person, serves as a building block for the other teachings. It says all humans, made in God's image, are inherently special. Like these quirky characters, we must learn to celebrate our differences, remembering that everyone is special just the way they are.
Acousticafe Coloring Poster - [recyclable coloring poster, original illustration] honorable mention, one-color poster, ACUI Steal This Idea Competition 2009 In a sea of colorful posters, the large amount of white space here stands out. Stressed college students can test the therapeutic powers of coloring before recycling the whole poster. Smart design combined with minimal use of linework, color, and text is transformed into the most interactive and reused poster that hung in the halls that week.
The Shirt Project 2009 Design - *see website: [t-shirt design] 2009 Presidential Team Irish Award This is the official fundraiser t-shirt of ND football 2009. Gold breaks from the tradition of green/blue shirts in honor of the 20th Anniversary. "Rise and Strike" commands that the team fight opponents with force and ferocity. "Defend Our Honor" commends the defense for their excellence in past seasons, and reminds students and alumni to be proud of their Alma Mater.
The Shirt Project 2009: Unveiling Ceremony Advertising Campaign - *see website: [print (original 11x17") and digital posters, logo, stacked shirt photo idea)] Each year, students and alumni gather for an unveiling ceremony to find out the color and design of The Shirt, held secret until that time. The stacked t-shirts show past color choices. Before being hung, the corner of each poster was ripped off right where the 2009 color choice would be named, to increase suspense and anticipation for this year's unveiling.
Awards & Distinctions