Crystal Ball Invitation Cover and Inside Spread - The Crystal Ball is one of the primary fundraising events for Reach for the Rainbow, a charitable organization dedicated to helping children and young adults with disabilities across Ontario. The theme chosen for 2004 was Paris le jour, Paris la nuit. Guests were invited to dress for the evening in the style of late-18th century Paris, while the venue was decorated in the style of Paris' famous Montmartre district, home to the Moulin Rouge cabaret. For more info, visit:
Crystal Ball Invitation Center Spread - The invitation was printed as an 8-page booklet showcasing selections from the canvases of famous French painters from that period, such as Toulouse-Lautrec. Meanwhile, the particulars for the event were printed on translucent parchment between each painting, allowing the vibrant imagery to peak through from behind, as if to tease the reader. For more info, visit:
Crystal Ball Invitation Final Inside Spread - Playing on the theme of Paris by day, Paris by night, each painting is arranged in order as if to tell a story as it unfolds. Begining on the front cover with the painting of a woman on the phone accompanied by the text Paris de jour, and ending on the final page with the painting of a woman dancing and accompanied by the text Paris la nuit. For more info, visit:
Crystal Ball Ticket Order Forms - Shown here are also some samples of the regular and corporate ticket order forms that accompanied the invitations as they were distributed. For more info, visit:
The Crystal Ball
Michael Karst
Interactive Design and Branding Toronto, ON