Missouri Regions Logos - This was an assignment I had in my logo design class. I really enjoy simple, easy to reproduce logos.
Mock "Mother Earth Cover" - These are various projects I had during my four years of college.
Labels for body care products - These are various projects I had during my four years of college.
Two Page spread for Wilderness Outwardbound Campaign - These are various projects I had during my four years of college.
Wine Region Stationary - This goes along with the Missouri Region logos I had designed.
Envelope for Wine Regions - These are various projects I had during my four years of college.
Three page spread for a tattoo magazine. - Tattoo magazines are usually UGLY. This is my take on how such magazines could be made beautiful.
Two page spread for global warming.
Mock website for "Mother Earth News"
CMSU-UCM design assignments
Mallory LaBoube
Graphic Artist St. Louis, MO