User Interview-1
User Interview-2
User Interview-3
Card Sorting
Card Sorting
Heuristic Evaluation
Heuristic Evaluation- Grid Structure
Heuristic Evaluation- Wrong text
Heuristic Evaluation- Translation Error
Building Prototype
Prototype Sample
Prototype Sample
Software Visual- Before Re-design
Software Visual- New design(Grid Structure)
Software Visual
Tener Software Redesign

Tener is an energy management software used in Switzerland to monitor energy consumption of various buildings in Switzerland. The aim of the project of was to improve the usability and
functionality of the software

The process of evaluation involved a set of 3 User interviews, followed by card sorting and Hieuristic evaluation. On the basis of the tests 5 major problems were observed-
1. The software was used not user centric.
2. The structure of the software was too complex.
3. The translations between the 3 languages were not proper(fr-it-en).
4. There was no proper grid structure.
5. The visuals of the software were not appealing.

On the basis of the observation the complete software was redesigned on paper and then a complete functional prototype was made on Axure. This protoype was evaluated by experienced user and
once the problems were rectified, the Visual of the software were designed.

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Mohit Yadav
Student of Design Guwahati, India