Shirt Happens is a family owned t-shirt company in West Philadelphia that designs and produces t-shirts, hats, hoodies, signs and other apparel. As part of Consult for America, we analyzed their entire business and helped them become profitable. Specifically, I worked with two other teammates on the company's Branding and Promotions by brainstorming ways to boost the efficiency of their advertising in a college market. The link to our final presentation in its entirety is included below, and I have uploaded the relevant Branding and Promotion slides here for reference. Full Presentation:
Shirt Happens - Branding & Promotion Consultant

Shirt Happens is a family owned t-shirt company in West Philadelphia that designs and produces t-shirts, hats, hoodies, signs and other apparel. As part of Consult for America, I helped the company with their Branding and Promotions.

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Matt Raimo
Business Development Vice President at AQR Capital Management Greenwich, CT