Finished Stirling Engine - Lightbox Photo (Front)
Finished Stirling Engine - Lightbox Photo (Back)
Fully functioning 3D Rendering of Engine in SolidWorks (Front)
Fully functioning 3D Rendering of Engine in SolidWorks (Back)
Picture from Engine Test.
Results from Engine Test - reached max speed of 1,607 RPM. Third fastest engine in the class.
Engineering Drawing that I produced for the Flywheel. Requires tolerances of up to .0005 inches.
Engineering Drawing that I produced for the Displacer Connecting Rod. Requires tolerances of up to .0005 inches.
Stirling Engine Project

Independently designed and machined a Stirling engine throughout the semester. Engine reached speed of 1,600 RPM, third fastest in the class.

Matt Raimo
Business Development Vice President at AQR Capital Management Greenwich, CT