Belay Development Cap Deck - Matchbook Concept: Rachel Hsu Overall Design Style & Layout: Jason Hashmi, Terran Kim, Rachel Hsu
Belay Development Cap Deck - We wanted something that could hold together case studies customized to the potential client. The info sheets inside are printed in-house, while the matchbook style outer cover was sent to a print vendor.
Belay Development Cap Deck - Revealing the initial inside page.
Belay Development Cap Deck - The intro page to the Case Studies.
Belay Development Cap Deck - This is an example of one of the case studies.
Belay Development Cap Deck - This is one of the pages introducing the Directors at Belay Development. Each of the directors chose an icon from stock illustrations that I picked out to represent themselves for their bio section.
Belay Development Cap Deck Icons - I came up with various icons for each section of the cap deck.
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Yoga Revolution Initial Brainstorm - These were some of the ideas I had in brainstorming for a logo concept or how it could be branded.
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Yoga Revolution Logo Explorations - These were some of the logo explorations I came up with after the brainstorm.
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Belay Development - Print
Rachel Hsu
Senior Designer/Production Designer, Visual Designer, User Experience & User-Centered Designer Santa Monica, CA