Powerpoint presentation - powerpoint project for Procter & Gamble
Powerpoint presentation - Powerpoint project for Procter & Gamble
Powerpoint presentation - Powerpoint project for Procter & Gamble
Powerpoint presentation - Powerpoint project for Procter & Gamble
Powerpoint presentation - Powerpoint project for Procter & Gamble
Powerpoint presentation - Powerpoint project for Procter & Gamble
Powerpoint presentation - Powerpoint project for Procter & Gamble
Powerpoint Presentation - Powerpoint project for a giant MNC
Powerpoint Presentation - Powerpoint project for a giant MNC
Powerpoint presentation - Powerpoint project for a giant MNC
Powerpoint presentation - Powerpoint project for a giant MNC
Powerpoint presentation - Powerpoint project for CNBC
Powerpoint presentation - Powerpoint project for CNBC
Powerpoint presentation
Powerpoint presentation
Powerpoint design
Powerpoint design
Powerpoint presentation
powerpoint projects
powerpoint project - big powerpoint project and worked directly with the President and CEO of the MNC giant. The presentation was shown globally and received excellent feedback.
powerpoint project - big powerpoint project and worked directly with the President and CEO of the MNC giant. The presentation was shown globally and received excellent feedback.
powerpoint project - big powerpoint project and worked directly with the President and CEO of the MNC giant. The presentation was shown globally and received excellent feedback.
powerpoint project - big powerpoint project and worked directly with the President and CEO of the MNC giant. The presentation was shown globally and received excellent feedback.
powerpoint project
powerpoint presentation
Freelance, Full-time
Nancy Wee
Creative Director, Kudos Graphics Singapore, Singapore