Link logo
Link logo and app icon variations.
Link App views.
Line icon I designed for apps security and incident reports.
App Store screen shots.
Landing page design for Link business portal.
Link website.
Link app.

Link is a super app and is partners with Vodacom and ADT.

I worked with a team on the UX design and created the logo, entire corporate ID and the website as well as all the digital and print media.

With Link, you can play a crucial role in your Community by reporting Service Delivery Issues and Safety related incidents through your local Ward and Safety Channels. Link also offers a track-me-home feature and SOS button, keeping you and your loved ones safe. As an added benefit, you can find all the businesses around you and any offers they may have. Link, solving local problems, changing lives!

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Nathan Jack
UX - Digital and Graphic Designer, Art Director & Advertiser.... Cape Town, South Africa