Hand Dryer - part of a group project, design, CAD and visuals done by me, othe members of the group are in no particular order Ben Dowling Katie Whiting Adam Farrant Carley Macey Oliver Manly
part of a group project, design, CAD and visuals done by me, othe members of the group are in no particular order Ben Dowling Katie Whiting Adam Farrant Carley Macey Oliver Manly
part of a group project, design, CAD and visuals done by me, othe members of the group are in no particular order Ben Dowling Katie Whiting Adam Farrant Carley Macey Oliver Manly
part of a group project, design, CAD and visuals done by me, othe members of the group are in no particular order Ben Dowling Katie Whiting Adam Farrant Carley Macey Oliver Manly
Duo Dry
Nathan Parkin
Industrial Designer Sheffield, United Kingdom