Believe it or not that fence was 16 feet high. Major mission to climb to a spot where i could get a great shot. - African Giraffe
- Female African Lion
Had a starring competition with this fella. - African Elephant
The King, and my favourite shot. - Male African Lion
- Green Tree Snake
I entered this photograph to Jones Soda. They didn't pick it to be placed on one of their bottle labels, but it received a staff pick and a customer favourite award. - Green Boa
- Intrigued Child
- Flamingo
Never thought plants would be a good subject of photography until this day. - Red African Plant
Lazy. - Canadian Polar Bear
Second Semester Field Trip: Toronto Zoo

Toronto Zoo trip for photography class. We were asked to take pictures of animals, other customers, and plants. Here is my best photography from that day.

All photography is in fact my own. I own every single right to each of these pictures.