RSA 2011 Modern Age

LinkAge is a service proposal aiming to provide information directly to the users in a collective and easy to understand way. LinkAge is a service that facilitates the communication between stakeholders and seniors encouraging active and social living. It provides the necessary tools for communicating and promoting local events and activities in a more cost-efficient way. Working as a web-based service, LinkAge allows stakeholders like charity organizations, local services, hospitals, carers as well as individuals to send invitations and reminders to subscribers. This information can then be filtered out according to the user preferences and presented in a calendar layout.
Subscribers can access the available events and memos either directly from the website or through their smart phone. For those less technologically aware, INMANO, can be used as an alternative. INMANO is an 11cm x19cm handheld device based on GPRS technology, designed to accommodate LinkAge services.

Nickolas Ovvadias
User Centred Product Design Abingdon, United Kingdom