Nieman Marcus partnering with Dallas Theater Center (2017) Designed window display, project managed and implemented installation of elements. This is the process of the Ghost of Christmas Past.
Nieman Marcus partnering with Dallas Theater Center (2017) Designed window display, project managed and implemented installation of elements. This is the process of the Ghost of Christmas Present.
Nieman Marcus partnering with Dallas Theater Center (2017) Designed window display, project managed and implemented installation of elements. This is the process of the Ghost of Christmas Future.
Nieman Marcus partnering with Dallas Theater Center (2017) Designed window display, project managed and implemented installation of elements. This is the process of a few scenic elements; set design and construction, and the video shoot for major animation element.
Sony Fashion Window - Merchandising set up of Sony store window, featuring fashion designer Benjamin Cho with Sony's newest laptop.
Macy's Holiday Windows 2007 - Santa's modern swivel chair made with wooden base structure covered with sculpted foam and plaster.
Macy's Holiday Windows 2007 - Mrs. Clause modern rocking chair made with wooden base structure covered with sculpted foam and plaster.
Lord & Taylor Holiday Windows 2007 - Set up of dressing based on store designers research and preferences. Instillation of props for figures actions.
Lord & Taylor Holiday Windows 2007 - Set up of dressing based on store designers research and preferences. Instillation of props for figures actions.
Lord & Taylor Holiday Windows 2006 - Shelf books carved as one piece from foam and given texture. Loose books carved from MDF. Miniature ladder and sled built from designers sketches.
Lord & Taylor Holiday Windows 2006 - Miniature fireplace tools, based of designers research.
Macy's Holiday Windows 2006 - Application of snow, following Macy's process. Set up of props and dressing.
Macy's Holiday Windows 2006 - Instillation of sea foliage into carved floor surface and hanging from grid ceiling.
Saks Holiday Windows 2006 - Cast figures for giant pachinko machine with clear acrylic resin. Swarovski snowflake attached later.
Saks Holiday Windows 2006 - Snowflake detail made from Swarovski crystals wired together to fit on caps of spindles.
Saks Holiday Windows 2007 - Plane and Balloon carved from foam and attached to rotating mechanism as designed.
Hudson Bay Narnia Windows 2005 - Latex figure dressed to resemble movie production photos.
Window Display & Props
Nicole Gaignat
Prop Artisan Irving, TX