infographic: my journey so far

The way forward for me has been strewn with confusions.First as an undergraduate student of Mechanical Engineering, then as a Software professional working in the financial and health insurance industries in India, at every step, I have questioned the way things are done and came to this conclusion: Constant emphasis on finding the right answers jeopardizes the need to identify critical issues that face us.

The two years I spent working as a software professional in the healthcare industry exposed me to the ambiguous interpretation of ‘process’ and the misguided focus on perfecting it.

It was those moments, when I played basketball, painted traditional designs on the walls of my rented apartment, or just made pencil sketches, that kept me sane. I believe Design has the ability to look at the bigger picture and help identify the right question before an exploration for the solution can begin. During graduation I hope to learn just that. . . .

Nidhi Sharma
Art, Design, Healthcare, Engineering New Albany, OH