F1 Singapore Dangler - Some of the posters, danglers for DLF IPL, F1 Singapore, Australia Series
Sands & Beaches Poster
DLF IPL POSTER - Some of the posters, danglers for DLF IPL, F1 Singapore, Australia Series
Full Page Advt Appointment
T20 England Poster
Standard Charted MArathon Banner
Lxury Group Tour Inserts
Logo for News letter - The above logo was created for SOTC newsletter
Australia Series Poster - Some of the posters, danglers for DLF IPL, F1 Singapore, Australia Series
E Invite
Dance Night E Invite
Pilgrim Emalier
Honeymoon Brochure Temp
T Shirt Design - T shirt design for 2nd Anniversary of Kuoni
Certificate for Outstanding Performance
Certificate for Team Work Performance
F1 Singapore 2009 Brochure
I make the diff poster
Ayurveda Flier
Visa * Passport Poster
Incentive Emailer
We care opt logo 2
Sankraman Logo - Meeting Together
We care Logo opt 1
Cafe Menu Cover
Holiday Sale Poster
Welcome Banner
Email Signature for Outlook - leadership
Leader Poster
Differentiation Poster
Power - Poster for Incentive event
Third Eye Logo - Command Centre (Back office)
News Letter for GUESS
Emailer - Safari Trails