Victory Starship
Re-Bot shop front
Jet Bike
Izza gets her Minimal car
Robot 6196 exploring volcano
Character design: Anéte and Alucs, Volcano exploring Androids
Character design: Anéte and Alucs, Volcano exploring Androids, alternative version
Character design: Anéte and Alucs, Volcano exploring Androids, alternative version 2
Character design: Anéte, Volcano exploring Android, all versions
Character design:Alucs, Volcano exploring Android, all versions
Victory Starship materializes after accidental journey through a worm hole
Victory Starship materializes after accidental journey through a worm hole, alternative view
Tello trying to save the mechanoid T'Zuzancha
Tello trying to save the mechanoid T'Zuzancha, close-up
Strange space/time tentacles over the Cell Home
Protheus Limo vs Tremor super car chase in the mountains
Lost in a Blue World
Tremor hover car leaving the desert world, entering the jungle world.
Rendez-Vous in the Jungle Hangar
Hangar Backdrop
Rush to the Race Gate before the end of the Blue World
Arrival in the service garage, Minimal car already there.
Jet Bike, version 2
Air Ship
Air Ship
Tremor Sci-Fi Car
Tremor Sci-Fi Car
Character design Izza
Character design "Izza"
T'Zuzancha, the Mechanoid
Space Race Sci-Fi Design
Space Race
Protheus Limo Alias Model
Protheus Limo
Protheus Limo
Tremor car in Hover car mode
Tremor car in Hover car mode
Tremor car in Hover car mode
Air Ship
Tremor Sci-Fi Car
Tremor Sci-Fi Car
Tremor Sci-Fi Car
Tremor Sci-Fi Car
Tremor Sci-Fi Car
Tremor Sci-Fi Car Interior
Tremor Sci-Fi Car Interior
Tremor Sci-Fi Car Interior
Tremor Sci-Fi Car
Science Fiction Illustration and Design

Design and Illustration for my Sci-Fi novel,

Niklas Wejedal
Concept Vehicle Design Lysekil, Sweden