"Another day, having a lark: Lying on the beach throwing dices with Giulietta for lack of a card game, I suddenly know how it should be, my house, our house: it will be a big circus. Even more! It will consist in different kinds of circuses forming an ensemble: the Muse's home, a theatre, a guest house for our friends, a car park (it won't bear any comparison with Marcello's garage), and the villa, our private circus. The old lighthouse in the dunes? An ideal thinking temple!"
Villa - circus - car circus - floor plan, cross section, site plan.
Car-terrace "Now Marcello might come!"
The guest house - cross sections, site- and floor plans.
What a woman! The villa is a vantage point and a watch tower, offering views in every direction, on each floor another one. Upstairs, it is directly connected with the Muse's home.
Muse's home and swimming temple - cross section, site- and floor plans.
The Muse's home Inspiration, caricatures of wonderful beach-muses, bathing. A bow in front of the satire! In front of an imaginary universe! A dreamlike magic! Pleasure! All in all: The taste of the marvellous!
Viva la liberta! Fregene has become such a chaotic place! Marcello has bought a new car. And it is even much more powerful than his last one. I have to move away!
A house for Fellini

Taste of the marvellous

Nora Lau
Dipl. Ing. Arch. Milan, Italy - Berlin, Germany